This wasn’t about me…
At least that’s what I think
I felt your eyes grow cold
The moment I began to speak
Evidently, I embraced and held this moment
So crude and selfishly
I neglected to stop and question if your anger was meant for me
This was never about me
Why would you bring up all those nightmares from your past?
The terrors, ghouls and goblins
Zombies clawing at your back
Leaving you in anguish,
So when they circle back
They’ve got your scent
Your fears make it so easy for them to track
I’m stuck with you now
In a world I don’t belong
Every light is masked with darkness
Everyone here smiles so wrong
Their eyes are filled with dread
A void they’ll never ever fill
I don’t belong. I gotta go.
Why can’t we leave? This cant be real!
This was never about me.
I’m just your prey, I’m too convenient
You need an outlet to gnash your teeth on
Every “sorry” and “I didn’t mean it”
Is a glaring reminder
That your inability to release your past
Is the reason you can’t hold on to
The present that’s fading fast.