Fear of Woman

Fear of Woman

I am not, nor was I before, nor could I ever be a woman

But, for the sake of those I love, allow me to be your vessel

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I’ve talked about hate, but now I want to explore fear.

It holds a grip on this nation

Its hold is so dear

Its clutch is so cold, this vice is so strong

The fear-dipped, xenophobic misogyny is





If you’re reading this now, thank a teacher for it

But first, thank your mother, for she bore YOU.

A gift.

Women are grossly taken for granted, me thinks

It’s not just an inkling or feeling;

I know this as fact, and this truth has sent this nation reeling


I am not, nor was I before, nor could I ever be a woman

But, for the sake of those I love, allow me to be your vessel.

Allow me to be your voice, as I shout from the highest hill

This nation has never truly loved women

And it fears us all… still


Imagine a man, telling me who I can and can’t be

As if he could walk in my shoes

Or see what I see.

If this joke weren’t so evil, it’d be laughable to me

Because we’re only called upon when it’s convenient

But stowed away, pejoratively

Token moms and trophy wives

Bear children, not arms

It took years before you realized

We would die to protect this nation of ours

Centuries before you considered at length

How love and compassion aren’t weakness, but strength

It’s through our love we defend our children, from birth

There’s no love like a mother’s love that exists on this earth

But your goal, it would seem is to remove our free will

You feared our power back then,

You fear our power now, still


Imagine a blind man believing he has the gumption to dictate what

What others can and can’t see

This nonsensical vignette illustrates how far this country has fallen

So conspicuously.

Everyone else is laughing

We’re the butt of the joke

I pray our children see sense

And correct this fallacy

They’re our only hope.

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